25 Sept 2013

The Grand Canyon

My hiking mate, Lee and I are off to hike and river raft the GC tomorrow. Pictures in two weeks or if the shit hits the fan it'll be news at 6 :-)

PS: I'll report on new gear - Mont Bell Tachyon Wind Jacket, the new Inov8 315s and Teva Barracuda sandals

23 Sept 2013

Backpacking Tights

I love tights! I have never been a fan of rain pants. I would rather wear my merino 150 tights with shorts over the top. This is an article from Backpackinglight.com reviews - "tights options" - enjoy.

Hey if you ever get sick of tramping you can always take up ballet :-)

Backpacking Tights - Part 2 @ Backpacking Light

PS: Just click on "continue" in the top right subscription box. This should give you access to full review.

16 Sept 2013

The Pureora Range

Last w/e I joined the Auckland Tramping club on a section of the TA trail - the Pureora Range. Trip report and photos posted on my "Trips" page

4 Sept 2013

The 5 Skills for a Successful Hike

I really endorse John Abela's philosophy on a successful hike: Manage Core Temperature + Proper Preparation + Proper Sleep + Proper Food + Proper Gear = A Successful Trip! Everything you learn about hiking should be founded on those 5 skills! ~ John Abela. Checkout his excellent blog at http://hikelighter.com/