6 Mar 2015

Outdoor Beer

OK how many of you have been in the bush for a few days and at the end of a days slog, sit around the camp fire and yearn for a cold brew? Your dreams have come true. Now you can have a cold beer kilometers from a pub with Pat's Outdoor brew kit.

Check Pat's purchasing kit and flavours HERE 

I am just hanging out for the wine version. Although being a 'wine snob' feel this will be nothing like a fab 1998 French Burgundy :-)

4 Mar 2015

New Meal Bars from Greenbelly

I discovered these new Greenbelly Meal Bars via John Abela's blog. I currently swear by Em Bars but Chris the founder of this company is on Kickstart raising funds to gear up production. I love his entrepreneurial spirit so I've Kicked in a few buck and get a sample tasting and help him on his way.

You can check these meal bars at: