22 Feb 2017

No more getting out of the tent on those cold or rainy nights - Portable Urinal Collector

I run across many interesting items of hiking equipment. This one goes one better than the SheWee (designed for women to pee standing up).

My tramping buddy, introduced me to this product as the panacea to having to climb over me in the middle of the night to get out for a pee. Personally, I would prefer him to do that than use this piece of equipment in my presence :-)

It certainly is a great invention if you (male or female) hate having to get out of that nice warm sleeping bag (especially if it is cold and raining outside) for a pee. I am not too sure about hut use though. The sound of trickling water within ones sleeping bag could cause some raised eyebrows :-)

At 52gm you may be tempted to throw it in the pack. As I said to my friend, it only takes a few of these little luxuries to add another half a Kg to your pack. As I say in my 'Beginners' page, going lightweight has compromises. You either choose bathe in luxury in camp, but struggle on the trail (heavy pack). Or, glide effortlessly along the trail, but rough it a bit in camp (light pack). It's an individual choice. No guessing my preference!

Personally, I will forego this luxury and avoid drinking too much liquid before turning in.

Check out this personal urinal storage at:  https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UzcjB07KOs4

9 Feb 2017

Altra Lone Peak 3 - Shoes

Those of you who check into this blog regularly will know I am a big fan of Altra Lone Peak shoes. They are soooooo comfortable and light (680gram the pair) and I love the wide toe box, just like wearing slippers!

I have worn out the first iteration of these great hiking/trail running shoes. They were the Lone Peak 2's. And my Lone Peak 2.5's have had some great use over the last couple of years. Still more wear in them yet.

However, I recently had the opportunity to get the new model (Lone Peak 3) from the US and jumped at the chance. Like my wife always says, you can never have too many shoes :-)

There is a big improvement in this model - stronger, solid rim on outer foot - other models wore out here first as the mesh upper went to the sole and got cut up a lot from scree and general rubbing on rocks and scrub (see pictures elsewhere in this blog of repair job done on my Lone Peak 2's). The sole, whilst still a zero drop heel, is more spongy. The wide toe box remains but does not look so pronounced.

And did I mention the tread. As in past models, there is little change here and I can attest, these baby's stick to the trail like dog shit on a joggers gym boot :-) Especially going down hill if trail is a bit wet.

The cost was $US120. I normally take size 9UK (10US). As with the other models, I went up half a size to allow for swelling during long multi day tramps. These fit really well at a half size up  and I suggest you do the same.

You can checkout Altra's website HERE. You can buy in NZ - here are the RETAILERS

But do a price comparison with Zappos in the US and I suggest you use NZ You Post for shipping ($US30).

Here's some pictures: