27 Jun 2011

Icebreaker GT 150 Gram Base Layer T

I love Merino wool  - My go-to base layer when tramping in NZ during spring and summer is a 150 gram short sleeve Merino T shirt. In autum and winter I wear a 200 gram long sleeve T.

In preparation for the John Muir Trail hike this August I have decided to go long sleeve for more sun protection and have selected the long sleeve 150 gram Icebreaker GT.  I got this at a great price at the Icebreaker Outlet store.

This T has "mesh" panels on the body sides and inside sleeves that give it added breathability. I wore it for the first time last w/e on a 4.45 hour training hike and loved it.

One of the other great advantages of Merino is it anti-microbacterial structure. I have worn these T's for 10 days with no stink. The same applied to my Merino Undies - no second pair needed! This eliminate the need for washing. Just as well as Merino is very slow to dry. But if if it does get wet, unlike polyester, you will still feel warm.

The 150 gram is also light in weight and because of its body fit, when a cold snap kicks in, you can easily increase layers. I usually throw on my Golite Wisp wind shirt when taking a hiking break or on a windy ridge, a rain jacket with heavy rain, or in camp my Backpacking Light Cacoon jacket.

1 comment:

  1. As i will be coming over to Aukland at Christmas, can i ask you which in your opinion is the best place for me to buy Icebreaker products in your beautiful city? Your knowledge will save me a load of time hiking about although her indoors will probably love the shopping.
    I am going to be looking for a high necked zipped top like the Mondo or similar in 150 grade.


Hey, thanks for you contribution - I monitor my blog weekly. I will reply with comments, ideas and suggestions ASAP - In the meantime, remember, hiking is an outdoors experience to enjoy, not an army boot camp training exercise!!