20 Mar 2012

Rain Mitts

Hi Guys - I have a pair of MLD Event Rain Mitts - Despite seam sealing I still find my possum gloves get wet pretty quick. Any of you got some suggestions. I note Andrew Skurka recommends REI inner taped Mitts - Can't seem to find these on REI's website. I will be in USA next month and want to buy some (or anything that is remotely waterproof). Thanks


  1. Have you considered Terra Nova Extremities Tuff Bags? They get good reviews for the price, durability and weight here in UK.

  2. If I think rain is likely then I use some paclite ones I got years ago. My MLD event ones don't seem that waterproof. However,in heavy rain I always end up with wet sleeves and gloves eventually. Also I can never quite decide to go with mits under of mits over my jacket?


  3. Irrespective of waterproofing I think it's best to have the sleeve of your jacket OVER the mitt. Most of the time your hands are below your forearms therefore rain runs down the jacket arm and over your mitts.

  4. This has always been my theory as well, but I have come to question it a bit when using poles.

  5. I've had a couple of pairs of the Extremities and I've found the surface wears off a bit so I've painted a very thin layer of Electrical Liquid Tape (from Bunnings) over the worn surface and also painted the seams. Yet to try it out though. I wear possum merino arm warmers that my sister knitted for me and that makes a huge difference to comfort levels during the rain. Because the arms are warm they pretty much stay dry.


Hey, thanks for you contribution - I monitor my blog weekly. I will reply with comments, ideas and suggestions ASAP - In the meantime, remember, hiking is an outdoors experience to enjoy, not an army boot camp training exercise!!