24 Apr 2014

Camp Shoes - Or should I say Sandals?

A lot of ultra light guys frown on camp sandals. Personality I love getting out of my hiking shoes at days end and letting the feet breathe.

I have been using the light weight Teva sandals (172grams) but recently discovered Bedrock. I have their toe socks (to wear with thongs). These socks are good for cold weather, or if you are in bug infested country.

The Bedrock sandal were designed for "bare foot" runners. I tried them out as a camp shoes last w/e on Stewart Island. They performed great. At 95 grams I think these are a great addition to your lightweight kit.

Check them out at http://bedrocksandals.com/bedrock-earthquake-sandals-v2/


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Hey, thanks for you contribution - I monitor my blog weekly. I will reply with comments, ideas and suggestions ASAP - In the meantime, remember, hiking is an outdoors experience to enjoy, not an army boot camp training exercise!!