8 Sept 2016

The Malachowski Sleeping Bag - What?

Hi Guys - John Abela put me on to this. A new sleeping bag from a Polish manufacture that weighs in at 480 grams with temp rating at comfy level of 5 degrees, limit at 1 degree.

This equates to my Western Mountaineering Highlite (love it!). I can't track down the price or cost of shipping, but you can start your research at http://malachowski.pl/web/en/sleeping-bags/4-spiwor-puchowy-ultralight-ii-300.html


  1. Hey Rob,

    It is priced at 989 PLN (Polish Zloty) which as of today is 348 NZD.

    A rather impressive bag, eh!

    And that Torey fabric... very nice stuff!

  2. John - That's quite a good price. I wonder how much they will add on for freight? Love to get one, but do I REALY need it? I have the Western Mountaineering Highlite and the Zpack 20 (extra long) - I'll ponder over the weekend - Grrrrrrrr


  3. Quite a few good Polish brands out there. My Polish g/f swears by her country's brands. Here's some specs for a sleeping bag by Cumulus:
    Lightline 300: has 300g of down, weighs 650g and sleeps down to 0 degrees (C). It costs 209 euros which is US$235 or NZD$319.


  4. Their lighter model is the 200g which weighs 535g and sleeps down to 4 degrees and costs NZD$289.


Hey, thanks for you contribution - I monitor my blog weekly. I will reply with comments, ideas and suggestions ASAP - In the meantime, remember, hiking is an outdoors experience to enjoy, not an army boot camp training exercise!!